Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Editing my prelim task

I learnt how to use Final cut server and Final cut pro to edit our prelim task. We learnt how to check in and out, before and after editing. We made two 'bins' a log bin and a rush bin; we put all of our shots into the log bin and then dragged the ones we wanted to use we put into the rush bin. When editing each clip we learnt how to drag them onto the timeline and place them in the correct order. We also learned how to cut the clip to the length we wanted it. Becuase our actor was very quite in the filming so we learned how to edit the level of the sound, making the dialoge loader and clearer.

I really enjoyed editing because we had control over how to portray the narrative just by editing clips. Having more shots of the woman's facial exspresions gives her more screen time and the audience therefor take her side.

The thing I found most challenging was adding subtitles to our clips. As we filmed most of the skript in Russian, we decided to add text showing what they were saying. I found this difficult because it was quite a complicated proeses, we had to find the exact place we wanted the text, then add text, write the words, change the size of the font, then render the text to it would show up, and then we had to change where the text was placed on the screen. This was a long process and took a long time, therefor we learnt to copy a previous text and paste it where we wanted new text, then all we had to do was change the words to what we wanted and render it.

I found it challenging to find the correct shot that followed on from the dialoge in the previous clip but that was from a different angle. For example finding an over the shoulder shot from behind the woman and then change to a over the shoulder shot from behind the man but making their converation continue. The extra shots we filmed helped the script make more sence, with close ups of expresions and different angles.

If we were to film it again I would make sure both actors said their lines clearly and loader, this would make the narrative eaiser to understand and save us time having to enhance the sound. I think we should have filmed more shots so we had a wide choice to chose from. I would have also liked to film more extra shots of extreme close ups of their reactions. I would have liked to add a soundtrack to increase excitment and tention in the scene. Prefribaly we would filme in a more exciting location with better props and a more thrilling skript.

I think we all worked really well together, as every decision we agreed on everyone had to like before we went forward with it. When someone had an idea we all added to it and cooperated very well and fairly. My role was to direct so I made sure everyone was ready to start rolling before we started shooting. I made sure that each time we filmed the scene again everything was the same.

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