Thursday, 24 January 2013

Account of our shoot day

We walked through our story line and shots, taking pictures on my iPhone of each shot; I have made them into a photo story board. These shots were really helpful to look back at quickly, while filming to remind us of our next shot. It also helped to make our thriller clearer; as we were running throught the shots there were some that we thought were not good, and had new, better ideas so decided to use different ones; this helped to improve the diversity of our shots. As we had to change our location on the day due to the snow we also had to chnage the idea a bit as we were not in the familure suroundings that we origianlly planed. The story bord helped us get round this problem as we walked through each step and figured out how we could adapt our story in the new surroundings, without waisting too much time.  I uploaded the pictures to my laptop and then used a program PicStitch to add four pictures into one so that it was eailer to look at and upload to my blog, instead of uploading every picture one by one.

Establishing shot/tracking and variety of shots of loading the car
Loading car together, close up of him saying 'just one more thing, jump in'

Girl gets into car, he packs up

He locks up

He shuts boot, gets into car, shot reverse shot: she says 'I'm sorry I dragged you into this' and he replies 'It's fine, lets just go'
Girl looks scared, man gets shot, she opens door and ducks

He is dead, she shoots killer, shows remorse for man then leaves him on side of road, and drives off in car

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